We have several PhDs on our team, including people with degrees in economics, sociology, PR, as well as certified translators and interpreters.
The Ex Libris team is the most invaluable resource the Agency’s entire operations are based on. Our skill set, experience, intelligence, and the ability to permanently evolve and progress are at the very foundation of our success.
Our staff has broad expertise in digital communications, media measurement, marketing, PR, sociology, journalism, and many other areas.
Ex Libris has vacancies for everyone, including physically challenged people. What we value most are your professionalism, readiness and willingness to work.
Ex Libris currently employs several challenged persons, who are as effective doing their work, as everyone else in our company. In this company you can fulfill your potential and become a real professional no matter what your physical abilities are.
We run unique in-house educational programs, advanced training courses and quality control initiatives.
Permanent search for, development and testing of new methods, approaches, and tools when it comes to media measurement.