Лидер Российского рынка медиаизменений

Collection of case studies on the impact of PR on business

Ex Libris and AKOS (the Russian Communications Consultancies Association) have completed their joint study on the impact of communications on the business performance of companies. The findings are presented in the form of a brief collection of PR case studies, the authors of which tried to place the maximum emphasis on the financial effectiveness of PR activities.


See the collection

The collection includes eight PR case studies provided by well-known Russian and foreign companies, including Kaspersky Lab, WarGaming (the World of Tanks game), TVZavr, and Promobot. They were carefully analyzed and brought to a single pattern based on the AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework, proposed and promoted by AMEC (the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication). The concept of each project, goals and objectives, strategy, implementation, and outcome of the PR campaign are carefully described. A separate section focuses on methods for determining and studying how strong the correlation between PR indices and business indicators is.

The case studies in the collection contain examples of interaction with B2B and B2C segments, with mass- and narrow-target audiences as well as examples of the use of a number of communication channels (media and social media), educational and recreational activities, etc.

“While working on this collection for many months, we faced a major challenge such as a lack of high-quality cases in the domestic and foreign markets that would illustrate irrefutable evidence of the impact of PR on business. There are very few successful cases like Promobot and even fewer market players who are ready to share their business indicators as frequently as a study requires. Nevertheless, this small collection is a step in the right direction towards achieving our ultimate goal, i.e. to identify and apply scalable approaches that provide the PR industry with powerful arguments in favor of measurability of business results,” says Albert Martirosyan, CEO, Ex Libris.

The collection will be of interest to students and young specialists focusing on public relations, as well as to managers of firms interested in enhancing the efficiency and performance of their PR departments.

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