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Глобальный саммит AMEC 2018 пройдет в Барселоне

Глобальный саммит AMEC 2018 пройдет в БарселонеAMEC has announced that its Global Summit on communications measurement will be held in Barcelona, Spain from 12th-14th June, 2018.

The AMEC Global Summit is the biggest event of its type in the world with 300 delegates expected in Spain.

Barry Leggetter, CEO of AMEC, said Barcelona had been chosen for the Global Summit because of a bigger choice of venues for both the conference and the social networking.

He said: «The choice of destination is an important factor within the measurement community that the AMEC Global Summit represents. Barcelona offers us an exciting, vibrant destination which we know will appeal to our delegates from around the world

Acceso, a leading media intelligence company in Spain and Latin America, will be the Headline Sponsor with Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership, a leading non-profit think tank based in Spain, as a Special Global Summit Partner.

Sergi Guillot, CEO of Acceso said he was proud to host the Global Summit in Spain. He said: «We are determined to make the 2018 Global Summit an unmissable event.»

«The first time the Global Summit was held in the city we developed the Barcelona Principles which set a new benchmark for measurement. We have every expectation of pushing the measurement agenda further in 2018

Angel Alloza, CEO of Corporate Excellence, said: «It´s an honour for us to be partners of AMEC Global Summit. I strongly believe that the excellent management of intangible assets is key to generate a positive impact in our businesses and our society. We have to prove this impact through measurement programmes».

Richard Bagnall, Chairman of AMEC, said the Global Summit was now the ‘must attend’ event for PR and communications professionals wanting measurement answers.

He said: «We intend to make the Global Summit in Barcelona a highly practical opportunity for PR and communications professionals to develop and influence the best practice of measurement and research globally

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